Audio Codec IC
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- Audio Codec IC
As wireless headphones become more widespread, there are greater needs for audio signal processing in inside headphones as well as high-resolution playback and noise-canceling functions. To address these needs, Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation(SSS) has achieved a high level of noise canceling and developed a high-resolution compatible audio IC.
ANC(Active Noise-Canceling) technology
SSS’s ANC technology is based on digital, it is high-quality, high-performance and low power.
It offers flexibility ANC design and powerful suppression of ambient noise.
・High quality audio
・Smallest compact housing
・Total system integration
・Easy design noise canceling
・Long battery life
・Fully digital noise canceling
・Peak noise cancellation 40dB
・Noise cancellation range 20Hz to 1kHz
・Low power consumption
・Low noise
Product Lineup
Find out more about active noise control technology for audio in this field.
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