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- Recycling
We need to create a sustainable, recycling-oriented society in order to replace the mass-production, mass-consumption, mass-disposal society of the past. Part of this is the ongoing efforts of recycling businesses around the world.
Imaging technology
Most of the sorting work in recycling relies on the manual tasks of workers, and these require greater efficiency. Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation (SSS) offers image sensing technology that contributes to improving the efficiency of recycling businesses.
Recycled plastic
SORPLAS™ is a recycled plastic developed by SSS that can be used effectively as a raw material for molded products, as it is made from reused plastics molded at a processing plant or recovered from the market. It has proved capable of reducing CO2 emissions during production by up to about 80% as compared to virgin flame-retardant polycarbonate resin (based on SSS calculations).
Sorting materials
At some recycling sites, transparent materials are sorted according to material type. While it is difficult to distinguish this with visible light spectrum cameras, ultraviolet (UV) image sensors can achieve this easily because they can visualize differences in material light absorption and UV light transmittance. It is also possible to utilize Short Wavelength Infra-Red(SWIR) for the same purpose. Switch the SWIR light in different SWIR wavelengths to match the target materials, then each image can be captured with an SWIR image sensor in order to be sorted.
Shape recognition
Recycled plastic
Plastic, which is a recyclable element, is produced through multiple processes. It begins with the mining of fossil fuel resources (crude petroleum and coal), followed by refining (naphtha), synthesis (monomer), polymerization (polymer), and kneading (plastic). Then, after the molding process (molded goods) and assembly (set product), plastic is made into a variety of products that are sent out into the world.
In future, SSS intends to further reduce CO2 by taking advantage of the material’s excellent recyclability. The aim is for closed recycling of a set product using SORPLAS as the raw material.
Related Products & Solutions
Recycled Plastic
The Flame-retardant Recycled Plastic SORPLAS™ Environmentally Conscious Material
Find out more about the flame-retardant recycled plastic SORPLAS™ environmentally conscious material product used in this field.
Environmentally Conscious Material
The Flame-retardant Recycled Plastic SORPLAS™ Environmentally Conscious Material
Find out more about the flame-retardant recycled plastic SORPLAS™ environmentally conscious material technology used in this field.
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Home Products/Professional Equipment
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Image Sensor
Image Sensor for Industrial Use [Overview]
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Related Links
SORPLAS is a trademark of Sony Group Corporation. SORPLAS is an environmentally conscious plastic developed and provided by Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation.
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